جملات شرطی

جمـــلات شرطي ( قسمت اول )

جملات شرطي جملاتي هستند كه انجام كاري را مشروط به انجام كار ديگري مي كنند . مانند " اگــــر درس بخواني ، قبول مي شوي " . بطوريكه در اين مثال ملاحظه مي شود قبول شدن مشـــــــروط به درس خواندن مي باشد .

هر جمله شرطي از دو قسمت تشكيل مي شود . 1- قضيه ي شرطي 2- جواب شرط

قضيه ي شرطي بخشي از جمله است كه همراه if بكار ميرود و مطلبي بطور مشـــروط در آن عنوان مي شود .

جواب شرط بخشي از جمله ي شرطي است كه در پاسخ جمله ي شرطي ايراد مي شود .

انواع جمـــــلات شرطي

جملات شرطي به سه دسته تقسيم مي شوند :

جملات شرطي دسته ي اول ( آينده ي ممكن )

جملات شرطي دسته ي دوم ( حال غير واقعي )

جملات شرطي دسته سوم ( گذشته ي غير ممكن )

جملات شرطي دسته ي اول ( آينده ي ممكن )

در اين دسته از جملات شرطي كه بر زمان حال و آينده دلالت دارند ، احتمال انجام و يا عدم انجام كار به يك اندازه ي مساوي است . در اين نوع از جملات شرطي قضيه شرطي با زمان حال ساده و جواب شرط با زمان آينده ساده ساخته مي شود .

زمان آينده ي ساده , زمان حال ساده If

If you go there , you will see him .

تذكر1 : در جملات شرطي قضيه ي شرطي بوسيله ي كاما از جواب ( نتيجه ) شرط مجزا مي شود .

تذكر2 : در جملات شرطي مي توان جاي دو قسمت را جابجا كرد يعني جواب ( نتيجه ) شرط را در اول جمله و قضيه ي شرطي را بعد از آن بكار برد كه در اين حالت به كاما نيازي نيست .

زمان حال ساده if زمان آينده ي ساده

You will see him if you go there .

تذكر3 : در جملات شرطي دسته ي اول مي توان بجاي will از افعال ناقص can-may-should و

استفاده كرد .

زير گزينه ي درست خط بكشيد .

1.If you don’t practice , you ……………. learn English.

a.can b.won’t c.will d.may

2.If he ……………. hard , he will get a good mark .

a.study b.studied c.studies d.will study

Good Luck_M.Davari

جملات شرطـــــــــي ( قسمت دوم )

جملات شرطي دسته ي دوم ( حال غير واقعي )

در اين دسته از جملات شــرطي كه مجازأ بر زمان گذشته و واقعأ بر زمان حال و آينده دلالت دارند ، احتمال عدم وقوع فعل بيشتر از احتمال وقوع آن است . در اينگونه از جملات قضيه ي شرطي با زمان گذشته ي ســـــاده و جواب شــــــرط ( نتيجه ي شرط ) با زمـــــان آينده در گذشته ي ســــــاده

( شكل ساده ي فعل + would ) ساخته مي شود .

زمان آينده در گذشته ي ساده , زمان گذشته ي ساده If

If you went there , you would see him .

تذكر1 : در جملات شـرطي دسته دوم مي توان بجاي would از افعال ناقص could-should-might نيز استفاده كرد .

تذكر2 : در اين نوع از جملات شرطي نيز مي توان نتيجه ي شرط را در ابتداي جمله و قضيه ي شرطي را پس ار آن بكار برد كه در اين صورت نيازي به كاما نخواهد بود .

زمان گذشته ي ساده if زمان آينده در گذشته ي ساده

You would see him if you went there .

تذكر3 : در جملات شرطي نوع دوم در قضيه ي شرطي فعل to be معمولأ براي تمام اشخاص were بكار مي رود .

If I were a rich man , I could buy a new car .

If he were you , he wouldn’t go there .

نمونه سوال

گزينه ي درست را انتخاب كنيد .

1.I would show them the picture if they …………… busy.

a.don’t b.didn’t c.aren’t d.weren’t

2.If they were here , I ……………. dinner for them .

a.will cook b.cook c.would cook d.cooked

3.If Ali …………… you live here , he might come to see you .

a.knows b.knew c.will know d.would know

4.If I sold my car , I ……………. much money for it .

a.got b.get c.would get d.will get

5.If he …………. eat too much , he wouldn’t be so fat .

a.didn’t b.doesn’t c.wasn’t d.won’t

شكل صحيح افعال داخل پرانتز را در نقطه چين بنويسيد .

1.If you weren’t in a hurry , I ……………….. ( show ) you the picture.

2.He could pass the exam if he ………………. ( try ) hard .

3.If I ……………. ( have ) a lot of money , I would help poor people.

4.What would happen if her mother ……………. ( be ) not in the kitchen ?

5.If they watched TV , they could …………….. ( see ) him in it

جملات معلوم و مجهول

جمله ي معلوم : جمله ي معلوم جمله اي است كه فاعل آن مشخص باشد .

جمله ي مجهول : جمله ي مجهول جمله اي است كه فاعل آن ( كننده ي كار ) مشخص نيست .

اينگونه جملات را هنگامي بكار مي بريم كه :

1- فاعل جمله مشخص نباشد .

2- فاعل از درجه ي اهميت كمي برخوردار باشد لذا گوينده از ذكر آن خودداري مي كند و يا اينكه فاعل را در آخر جمله ذكر مي كند .

3- مفعول و نوع عمل از اهميت ويژه اي برخوردار باشد .

طريقه مجهول كردن جملات معلوم

براي تبديل جملات معلوم به مجهول مراحل زير را انجام مي دهيم :

1- مفعول جمله ي معلوم را به ابتداي جمله ي مجهول انتقال مي دهيم .

2- با توجه به زمان فعل جمله ي معلوم از يكي از افعال to be استفاده مي كنيم .

تذكر1 : چنانچه فعل جمله ي معلوم حال ساده باشد از يكي از افعال am-are-is استفاده مي كنيـــم .

چنانچه فعل جمله ي معلوم گذشته ساده باشد از يكي از افعال was-were استفاده مي كنيم .

چنانچه فعل جمله ي معلوم آينده ساده باشد از فعل will be استفاده مي كنيم .

چنانچه فعل جمله معلوم ماضي نقلي باشد از have/has been استفاده مي كنيم.

چنانچه فعل جمله معلوم ماضي بعيد باشد از had been استفاده مي كنيم.

چنانچه فعل جمله معلوم آينده قصدي باشد از am/is/are going to be استفاده مي كنيم.

تذكر2 : فعل to be را متناسب با مفعول جمله ي مجهول بكار مي بريم .

3- اسم مفعول ( شكل سوم فعل ) فعل اصلي جمله ي معلوم را بعد از فعل to be در جمله ي مجــهول بكار مي بريم .

4- بقيه ي جمله ي معلوم را پس از اسم مفعول در جمله ي مجهول بازنويسي مي كنيم .

يادآوري : جملات معلومي را مي توان به مجهول تبديل كرد كه فعل آن متعددي بوده و پس آن مفعول بكار رفته باشد .بنابراين جملات معلومي كه فعل آن لازم باشد را نمي توان به مجهول تبديل كرد زيرا در اينگونه جملات مفعول وجود ندارد .

بقيه ي جمله + مفعول + فعل اصلي + فاعل = جمله ي مـعلوم

بقيه ي جمله + اسم مفعول + يكي از اشكال to be + مفعول = جمله ي مجهول

تذكر : چنانچه مفعول در جمله ي معلوم بشكل ضمير مفعولي بكار رفته باشد هنگامي كه آنرا به ابتداي

جمله ي مجهول منتقل مي كنيم مي بايست آنرا بشكل ضمير فاعلي مشابهش تبديل كنيم .

me I us we

you you you you

him he them they

her she

it it

نمونه سوال

زير گزينه ي درست خط بكشيد .

1.The film ………………… at school two days ago .

a.showed b.is showed c.was showed d.shows

2………………. the car be washed ?

a.Is b.Will c.Does d.Did

3.A new school will be ……………… near our house next year .

a.build b.builds c.building d.built

4.This car ……………. repeired every day .

a.will b.will be c.is d.was

5.They ……………… seen in the park last week .

a.aren’t b.weren’t c.will d.will be

جملات زير را به مجهول تبديل كنيد .

1.He passed the water to Ali .


2.I will teach English naxt year .


3.He did his homework yesterday.


4.They show the cartoon on Sundays .


5.Did Neda repair the watch last night.


شكل صحيح افعال داخل پرانتز را در نقطه چين بنويسيد .

1.This house …………………….. ( build ) two years ago .

2.Two men ……………………… ( kill ) in the accident .

3.The sick man …………………… ( take ) to the hospital .

4.Many people will be …………………… ( invite ) to the party .

5.A letter was …………………. ( write ) yesterday .

بجاي نقطه چين از شكل صحيح فعل to be استفاده كنيد .

1.The tickets ……………. bought last night .

2……………. the rooms be cleaned tomorrow .

3.The dishes …………….. not washed every day .

سوال امتحان انگلیسی

پاسخ سوالات قسمت A را از بين جوابهاي قسمتB انتخاب كنيد. ( يك پاسخ اضافي است)

Match column A with column B. There is one extra item in B.


1. What does his job involve? ……

2. When do you usually get to school? ……

3. Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station, please? ……

4. How often do you visit your grandfather? ……

5. Why are you so sad? ……

6. Have you heard anything about the new manager? ……

7. Did you really enjoy the movie? ……

8. What’s he going to do this afternoon? ……


a. He keeps accounts.

b. About two hours.

c. Go straight on. It's two blocks down this street.

d. He is planning to go fishing.

e. By seven thirty.

f. Yes, it was wonderful.

g. Yes, people say he is very nice.

h. Three times a month.

i. My husband has just lost his job.


9. What does your job involve? A. Once a year.

10. How tall is your brother? B. I usually

11. What do you do in your free time? C. It is at 9 o’clock.

12. How often do you go to the dentist? D. I manage an office.

13. How do you usually get to work? E. He is a bout 165 centimeters.

14. Why is he so excited? F. He is watching football.

15. What time is your flight, please? G. Ten minutes.

16. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? I go to the cinema.


17. How was your dinner? ..............

18. How does your son go to school? ..............

19. What month your birthday? ..............

20. What do the Iranians do in their free time? ..............

21. How often do you brush your teeth? .............

22. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? ..............


a. It's on the fifth.

b. He usually cycles.

c. It's two blocks down this street, on your right.

d. It didn't taste good.

e. Three times a day.

f. It depends. They do many different things

g. It's in Mordad.

متن زير را بخوانيد و جاهاي خالي جملات را با گزينه هاي داده شده كامل كنيد.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Finding a job is often difficult for a young person today. But it will be easier if you 1 these things. First, you have to 2 what kind of job you want. Think 3 what kind of work you like to do. You can talk to some people who have 4 kinds of jobs. Then you should write something about your 5 and your earlier jobs. Remember that it should be organized and typed 6 .Then you are ready to start looking for a job.

1. a) include b) measure c) follow d) order

2. a) decide b) advise c) promise d) permit

3. a) on b) for c) about d) in

4. a) serious b) simple c) average d) different

5. a) competition b) education c) conversation d) observation

6. a) carefully b) silently c) constantly d) basically

My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a/ an 7 in a small village near Oxford. The shop 8 almost every thing from bread to newspaper. The children always stop to 9 some money on chocolate or ice – cream. My uncle is very polite and behaves very 10 .He doesn’t often 11 the village because he doesn’t have a car. He also grows plants and vegetables. His wife and children help him a lot. My family 12 them in the village twice a year. I think he has a simple and comfortable life.

7 8 9 10 11 12

a. home a. busy a. spend a. angrily a. travel a. visits

b. shop b. makes b. send b. badly b. stay b. watches

c. house c. sells c. get c. kindly c. stop c. observes

d. office d. holds d. put d. sadly d. leave d. looks

متن زير را بخوانيد و به سوالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهيد.

Read the following passage and answer the question.

Jack worked in a factory in a big city. He liked fishing very much and was very good at it. Whenever he was free, he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish, but there were very few there because the water was dirty. Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel. "I've never fished in the sea before; he thought. It will be rather different from fishing in our river." On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy. He gave them to the hotel and they cooked them for all the guests and they enjoyed them very much. After that he did this every day. But when Jack got his bill at the end of the week, he saw on it: "for oil to fry fish (7 days) 3.5 dollars."

1. What was Jack's hobby?


2. Where did he usually go fishing?


3. Did he catch a lot of fish there?


4. Jack sold the fish to the hotel. a) true b) false

5. Jack had to pay 3.50 dollars for the oil. a) true b) false

My family likes the sea very much. When we have a holiday, we go to a place at the seaside and borrow a boat from one of our friends. Them we sail on the sea and catch fish ass day. Sometimes we sail on a small lake near the sea. We are very careful on this lake because there are a lot of sharp rocks there. There aren’t many fish in the lake. The fish aren’t very big, but they taste very good. When the weather is fine, we go to the land at lunch time and make a fire with the pieces of dry wood and cook the fish and eat them.

1. Where do the writer and his/her family go when they have a holiday?

2. Why do the fish?

3. The lake is by the sea.

a. True b. False

4. They eat their lunch in the boat.

a. True b. False

David worked as a seller in a big supermarket. Like some of the other young people, he did not like his job very much. One day he was talking to his friend, John who worked there too. "I'm going to find another job as soon as I can." he said. "The pay is not very good and the work isn’t interesting.The worst thing about it is that I have to obey Mr Kean's orders". Mr kean was the manager of the supermarket. Everybody was a little afraid of him. He often walked around the supermarket and always got very angry if he saw someone who was not working. Sometimes there was really no work to do but people still tried to look busy.

While David was talking, John looked up and saw Mr Kean coming near them. David was sitting on a chair and Mr Kean was just behind him. He could hear every word David was saying. John didn’t know what to do.

1. What was David?


2. Why couldn’t David see the manager?


3. David wanted to find another job because ……………… .

a. they all liked their job very much

b. Mr Kean ordered them to look busy

c. his pay was good but his manager always walked around him

d. he was pain less than his friend

4. Everyboday in the supermarket looked very busy because ……..……….

a. they all liked their job very much

b. Mr Kean ordered them to look busy

c. Mr Kean would be angry if he saw them not working

d. there were always a lot of shoppers there

جملات شرطی

جمـــلات شرطي ( قسمت اول )

جملات شرطي جملاتي هستند كه انجام كاري را مشروط به انجام كار ديگري مي كنند . مانند " اگــــر درس بخواني ، قبول مي شوي " . بطوريكه در اين مثال ملاحظه مي شود قبول شدن مشـــــــروط به درس خواندن مي باشد .

هر جمله شرطي از دو قسمت تشكيل مي شود . 1- قضيه ي شرطي 2- جواب شرط

قضيه ي شرطي بخشي از جمله است كه همراه if بكار ميرود و مطلبي بطور مشـــروط در آن عنوان مي شود .

جواب شرط بخشي از جمله ي شرطي است كه در پاسخ جمله ي شرطي ايراد مي شود .

انواع جمـــــلات شرطي

جملات شرطي به سه دسته تقسيم مي شوند :

جملات شرطي دسته ي اول ( آينده ي ممكن )

جملات شرطي دسته ي دوم ( حال غير واقعي )

جملات شرطي دسته سوم ( گذشته ي غير ممكن )

جملات شرطي دسته ي اول ( آينده ي ممكن )

در اين دسته از جملات شرطي كه بر زمان حال و آينده دلالت دارند ، احتمال انجام و يا عدم انجام كار به يك اندازه ي مساوي است . در اين نوع از جملات شرطي قضيه شرطي با زمان حال ساده و جواب شرط با زمان آينده ساده ساخته مي شود .

زمان آينده ي ساده , زمان حال ساده If

If you go there , you will see him .

تذكر1 : در جملات شرطي قضيه ي شرطي بوسيله ي كاما از جواب ( نتيجه ) شرط مجزا مي شود .

تذكر2 : در جملات شرطي مي توان جاي دو قسمت را جابجا كرد يعني جواب ( نتيجه ) شرط را در اول جمله و قضيه ي شرطي را بعد از آن بكار برد كه در اين حالت به كاما نيازي نيست .

زمان حال ساده if زمان آينده ي ساده

You will see him if you go there .

تذكر3 : در جملات شرطي دسته ي اول مي توان بجاي will از افعال ناقص can-may-should و

استفاده كرد .

زير گزينه ي درست خط بكشيد .

1.If you don’t practice , you ……………. learn English.

a.can b.won’t c.will d.may

2.If he ……………. hard , he will get a good mark .

a.study b.studied c.studies d.will study

Good Luck_M.Davari

جملات شرطـــــــــي ( قسمت دوم )

جملات شرطي دسته ي دوم ( حال غير واقعي )

در اين دسته از جملات شــرطي كه مجازأ بر زمان گذشته و واقعأ بر زمان حال و آينده دلالت دارند ، احتمال عدم وقوع فعل بيشتر از احتمال وقوع آن است . در اينگونه از جملات قضيه ي شرطي با زمان گذشته ي ســـــاده و جواب شــــــرط ( نتيجه ي شرط ) با زمـــــان آينده در گذشته ي ســــــاده

( شكل ساده ي فعل + would ) ساخته مي شود .

زمان آينده در گذشته ي ساده , زمان گذشته ي ساده If

If you went there , you would see him .

تذكر1 : در جملات شـرطي دسته دوم مي توان بجاي would از افعال ناقص could-should-might نيز استفاده كرد .

تذكر2 : در اين نوع از جملات شرطي نيز مي توان نتيجه ي شرط را در ابتداي جمله و قضيه ي شرطي را پس ار آن بكار برد كه در اين صورت نيازي به كاما نخواهد بود .

زمان گذشته ي ساده if زمان آينده در گذشته ي ساده

You would see him if you went there .

تذكر3 : در جملات شرطي نوع دوم در قضيه ي شرطي فعل to be معمولأ براي تمام اشخاص were بكار مي رود .

If I were a rich man , I could buy a new car .

If he were you , he wouldn’t go there .

نمونه سوال

گزينه ي درست را انتخاب كنيد .

1.I would show them the picture if they …………… busy.

a.don’t b.didn’t c.aren’t d.weren’t

2.If they were here , I ……………. dinner for them .

a.will cook b.cook c.would cook d.cooked

3.If Ali …………… you live here , he might come to see you .

a.knows b.knew c.will know d.would know

4.If I sold my car , I ……………. much money for it .

a.got b.get c.would get d.will get

5.If he …………. eat too much , he wouldn’t be so fat .

a.didn’t b.doesn’t c.wasn’t d.won’t

شكل صحيح افعال داخل پرانتز را در نقطه چين بنويسيد .

1.If you weren’t in a hurry , I ……………….. ( show ) you the picture.

2.He could pass the exam if he ………………. ( try ) hard .

3.If I ……………. ( have ) a lot of money , I would help poor people.

4.What would happen if her mother ……………. ( be ) not in the kitchen ?

5.If they watched TV , they could …………….. ( see ) him in it .

Good Luck_M.Davari

معرفی یک سایت خوب در زمینه آموزش زبان

با سلام و درود فراوان خدمت دوستان گرامي

امروزقصد دارم كه يك سايت زيبا را خدمت دوستان معرفي كنم. اين سايت زبان انگليسي را به طور ساده و با كمك تصاوير زيبا آموزش مي دهد. اين سايت متعلق به آقاي Gene Boris مي باشد.


زبان یک - سوالات کوتاه

سوالات ضميمه ( تأكيدي كوتاه )

گاهي در انگليسي براي تأكيد يا تعجب در آخر جملات خبري از يك عبارت سوالي كه شامل ضــــمير فاعلي و فعل كمكي مي باشد استفاده مي شود .

براي ساختن اينگونه از سوالات كه به سوالات ضميمه ، تأكيدي يا كوتاه معروف هستند ، نكات زير را در نظر مي گيريم .

1- سوال ضميمه از نظر مثبت يا منفي بودن ، عكس جمله اصلي مي باشد يعني اگر جمله ي اصلــــي مثبت باشد ، سوال ضميمه منفي خواهد بود و چنانچه جمله ي اصلي منفي باشد ، سوال ضميـــمه

مي بايست بشكل مثبت بكار رود .

?ضمير فاعلي + فعل كمكي منفي , جمله ي خبري مثبت

?ضمير فاعلي + فعل كمكي مثبت , جمله ي خبري منفي

He is a student , isn't he ?

He is not a student , is he ?

2-در سوال ضميمه هميشه بعد از فعل كمكي از ضمير فاعلي استفاده ميشود بدين صورت كه چنانچه در جمله اصلي فاعل بشكل اسم يا عبارت اسمي آمده باشد ، در سوال ضميمه از ضمير فاعلي مشابـه آن استفاده مي شود .

Mina was playing well , wasn't she ?

My brothers aren’t at school , are they ?

3-در سوالات ضميمه چنانچه بخواهيم فعل كمكي را بشكل منفي بكار بريم ، آنرا مي بايست بشـــكل مخفف بكار برد .

Reza will go to Isfahan , won't he ?

They were watching TV , weren't they ?

4-چنانچه جمله ي اصلي فعل كمكي داشته باشد از همان فعل كمكي در سوال ضميمه استفاده مــــي شود ولي چنانچه جمله فاقد فعل كمكي باشد در اينحالت از يكي از مشتقات do متناسب با فعل اصلـي در سوال ضميمه استفاده مي شود بدين صورت كه اگر فعل اصلي گذشته باشد از did واگر فعـــــل اصلي s يا es داشته باشد از does و اگر فعل بشكل ساده باشد از do استفاده مي شود .

I listen to the teacher , don’t I ?

We don't wash the car , do we ?

Ali swims in the river , doesn’t he ?

She doesn’t speak English , does she ?

His father opened his store at 8 , didn’t he ?

He didn’t clean the store , did he ?

5-جمله ي اصلي و سوال ضميمه بوسيله كاما از يكديگر جدا مي شوند .

6-چنانچه در جمله ي مثبت از I am استفاده شده باشددر سوال ضميمه از aren’t I استفاده ميشود.

I am a good student , aren't I ?

نمونه سوال

گزينه ي درست را انتخاب كنيد .

1.They answered the question , …………… they ?

a.don’t b.do c.didn’t d.did

2.You can see him at school , ……………. you ?

a.can’t b.don’t c.see d.did

3.We don’t live near here , …………… we ?

a.do b.don’t c.did d.didn’t

4.My brother , Ali is playing in the yard , isn’t ………….. ?

a.Ali b. my brother c.my brother Ali d.he

5.James built the first steam engine , ………….. ?

a.did he b.didn’t he c.did James d.didn’t James

سوالات ضميمه ي جملات زير را بنويسيد .

1.He could speak French well , …………………….. ?

2.The students are not listening to the teacher , …………………….. ?

3.We didn’t write our homework , ……………………….. ?

4.Ali’s sister came late , ……………………. ?

5.Zahra cleans the room , ……………………. ?

6.You will see him next week , …………………….. ?

7.They won’t leave their home , ………………………… ?

8.I am at home , ………………………. ?

9.He watched TV at 5 o’clock , ……………………..?

10.They’re not in the park , ……………………… ?

شكل صحيح فعل داخل پرانتز را در نقطه چين بنويسيد .

1.They …………………… ( answer ) your letter , did they ?

2.Ali ……………………. ( help ) his father , doesn’t he ?

3.We ……………………. ( be ) absent , were we ?

4.The boys …………………… ( play ) in the street , aren’t they ?

5.I ………………….. ( buy ) a new car , won’t I ?

Good Luck_M.Davar